Senator Linda Berglin, Chair
Senator Julie Rosen, Chair
Senator Linda Scheid
Senator Mary Olson
Representative Paul Thissen, Chair
Representative Erin Murphy
Representative Steve Gottwalt
Representative Diane Loeffler
Representative Tom Huntley
Representative Mike Obermueller
Brian Rotty, Executive Director, Mayo Clinic Health Solutions
Cecilla Retelle, Manager, Education and Health Policy, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Cheryl Froland, Channel Management Executive, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
Dannette Coleman, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Relations, Medica
Dave Dzuik, Chief Financial Officer, HealthPartners
David Knutson, Co-Director, Center for Care Organization Research & Development, University of Minnesota
Debra Holmgren, President, Portico Healthnet
Greg Datillo, Legislative Chair, Minnesota Association of Health Underwriters
Jean Abraham, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, Division of Health Policy and Management
Jeanne Bailey, Chief Executive Officer, United Family Medicine
Lynn Blewett, Director, State Health Access Data Assistance Center
Maureen O'Connell, Advocacy Director, Legal Services Advocacy Project
Michael Allen, Chief Financial Officer, Winona Health
Peter Nelson, Policy Fellow, Center for the American Experiment
Phillip Cryan, Organizing Director, SEIU Health Care MN
Roger Kathol, President, Cartesian Solutions Inc.
Senate Counsel: Katie Cavanor/Chris Stang
House Research: Tom Pender
Shannon Cunningham, Kate Perushek