In 1998, the legislature directed the Legislative Electric Energy Task Force to study nine important issues relating to potential electric industry restructuring and to convene technical advisory work groups to assist in the study (Laws of Minnesota 1998, Chapter 380). The topics the legislature directed the task force to study in detail include:
The LEETF has convened work groups to assist in its analysis of these issues. The work groups are composed of technical experts from interested groups. The LEETF has requested each work group member to submit written comments on each of the nine issues.1 In addition, the work group members are participating in discussions about the issues with the LEETF and its staff.
As of October 1999, with the assistance of the work groups, the LEETF has completed its review of seven of the nine issues: bulk power, distribution, prices, universal service, unbundled rates, competitive parity, and stranded costs. In November of 1999, the LEETF and its staff will be meeting with work group members to discuss comments submitted on the last two topics: renewable energy and information disclosure/consumer protection. By February 2000, the LEETF will have completed its work reviewing and analyzing of the nine items listed above.
1The work group comments that have been submitted as of September 30, 1999, are available for review by the public at the Legislative Reference Library, located on the sixth floor of the State Office Building.