Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of October 20, 2000 minutes.
Presentation of legislative oversight in other states,
George McCormick, Senate Counsel & Research.
Presentation of "50 State Survey of Regulatory
Reforms (1995-2000)" by John Knapp/Julie Fishel.
Discuss and approve the rules review process
identified in 1-4 of the Task Force Charge. The task force must study
and make recommendations to the governor and the legislature by
January 15, 2001, on issues relating to review of agency rules. The
recommendations must include, but are not limited to:
(1) a process to be used by agencies, the governor, and the
legislature to identify and prioritize rules and related laws and
programs that will be subject to legislative review;
(2) a process by which the legislature will review rules and related
laws and programs identified under clause (1);
(3) the estimated agency and legislative time and resources required
for review of rules and related laws and programs under the processes
recommended under clauses (1) and (2);
(4) the effect of possible repeal of agency rules on the state budget
and any loss of benefits to citizens of the state resulting from such
a repeal.
Determine format of agency reports (by Dave Orren).
Review stakeholder input (written submissions).
Public testimony.*
Determine assignments for next meeting.
Set meeting date in January.
* Individuals wishing to testify should contact Adrienne
at (651) 296-2955.